Well I would like to start by an opinion that I have which has been amplified after this program. I believe that human will always have similarities than differences. During the sessions that I have participated in, I always can relate to my fellow participants. We usually kind of agree on the same idea while taking different approaches. We all young people have the same ambitions and dreams and we all can see the problems and challenges in our community. While our problems might be different and have nothing in common, yet we all can relate because we face the same situation that we are in the beginning of our life and our community needs a change. The conversations that I had allowed me to see where the misunderstanding that different culture are very far apart. The issues is that people start their conversation looking for what this difference the other person have. Therefore, most of people never see the similarities or try to overlook them. fortunately, this program has been quite formal with enough level of freedom and friendliness which allowed for a quite decent discussion without any previous assumptions. As a result, we talk and listen to each other as if we  are having this talk with one of our neighbors. This will take me to a very neglected element of discussions that I discovered in this program. This element as I like to call it is the preexisted information. Usually we never inter any discussion welling to know or accept what the other party has to offer. In most of the cases we have our assumptions that we just want to confirm, we have our opinion that we view as facts and just looking Forword to share them or we are just looking for cerin answer and we do not care about the rest. While we really need to listen and just start any discussion as if it is the first time we hear about this topek and then we review our assumptions and reconsider our opinions. In a personal level, when I deal with people from different cultures, I will try as much as possible to avoid being affected by my previous experiences and knowledge. In my discussions, I will try to listen first and reply according to what I observed not what I assumed.