

It became a toxic habit that before i would even think i would automatically go and ask chatgpt. I actually feel my mind has stopped working. Recently I started to rely on it in so many things that I started to feel dumb without AI. I did use Ai this semester , I would give him my notes and tell him to write a reflection. I have a problem that I don’t use connectives well. So without pauses I tend to make my writing feel boring. However, after this course I feel I became more aware about AI. I learned that AI cannot generate exactly what you want, and that human mind always wins. I remember Ibrahims presentation in the AI assignment where he described how using ChatGpt to improve research and writing we have to use the acronym CREATE,as it helps us identify the Character, Request, Examples, Adjustments, Type of output, and Extras. Through these acronyms the result of the prompt will be clear and won’t be hallucinated. In my future, i believe i will be using AI in tasks to brainstorm ideas, for example, as i’m working right now as a social media specialist, i am expected to write instagram captions everyday, however the captions that are generated lack character, but at least they give me an idea to start a head start with. 



I did an interview with one of my colleagues. His name is Ameer Sameh, fresh graduate from faculty of Media Engineering and Technology from the German University in Cairo. He is one of those people who is always updated with the latest AI updates, paid every subscription there could be related to artificial intelligence. So I thought he would be a good option for my interview. He is now freelancing in providing Ai solutions to businesses and schools. And recently started his own page called on instagram to share tips on artificial intelligence. I asked him what exactly he does for a living now. He answers that he creates 1) LIVE Chat Tailored Chatbots for websites 2)Personal Chatbot Assistants 3) Al 24/7 Tutoring School Systems and 4) Catered Al Agents (Coming Soon). I told him what struggles is he facing with AI in his career right now, he told me that being in Egypt, most of the people are afraid of technology, or if i am correct they are afraid of change, they don’t want to change this specific thing in a school system, only because of how they have been wired in the same way 20 years ago. Another thing he said, is his parents believing that this is not a stable job to be relying on as not a lot of people are aware of AI right now, which he sadly proved to me to be a correct statement. He proved to me that ¾ of his adult clients are unaware of how AI can make their lives ten times easier, and no one would believe it until they try writing their own prompt. However, Ameer is still positive and looking forward to continuing to work with AI as he sees better opportunities coming in the future with this fast paced world we are living in.  


I have been using zoom since Covid-19, but in this course I was introduced to a completely different approach for zoom as a tool. It was more of an interactive tool, not only online but also in class. I learned that the microphones and cameras used in the classroom can make it look on zoom as if you’re actually attending the classroom in real life, without having to record yourself presenting for example. The doctor can walk all around the room and speak, and all the microphones can be detected on zoom. This was for me something enlightening. I consider zoom a more lenient way for students to attend class online if they have any emergency and can’t attend class on campus, instead of completely missing class time. What I learned about myself is that I really hate communicating through screens like zoom, I prefer face to face definitely as I tend to freeze and daydream online. Through Zoom, especially in Soliya, dealing with the different pace of online discussions and technical issues due to the different countries made me a more patient person, however, I still cannot adapt to virtually communicating as it makes me feel I am not 100% myself. I would either use zoom or microsoft teams later on in the future as i believe microsoft teams is just a more popular choice for companies wanting a reliable and secure way for teams to work together online.


Reflect creativity course blog

This was my first time to blog or document anything about myself online on “Reflect Creativity Course” blog. It felt different. My therapist always told me to journal or document what I feel as I tend to suppress my feelings. I tried to document on paper like a journal but wasn’t a big fan as I was always afraid my family would see what I had written. However, blogging online feels good. It feels good that I get to document daily on my personal blog. A place basically for all my joined thoughts, feelings and reflections in one place. I learned to just drop off everything I’m thinking of in the reflections without being too broad, but instead being clear and acknowledging the feelings. I feel this blog is good for documenting my daily life as I know previous students that still blog to this day online because of this step. I learned about myself that i am not shallow as people called me, i just did not take the chance to sit and dig deep inside of me, i guess i am scared to open things i can not heal alone. The attitude I learned is that you only live once, if i dont blog or document now? When will i? What I liked about this tool or platform is that you also get to read other documents published by your colleagues too, unlike turnitin on blackboard, where every person submits alone so you don’t get to see anything from their side; which is kind of intriguing. But at the same time, I still feel hesitant when I click to publish anything I wrote, this means it’s out there. Anyone can read and judge, as long as I make it anonymous. And Yes I would like to continue using this platform to express the inner Joyce online. 


 I learned about myself that I am a grandma when it comes to learning new technology. Slack was actually one of the tools I enjoyed the most because I felt I was being treated as a corporate employee. It helped me share with the rest of the class any insights I had, meanwhile it felt like a professional group chat. I also really liked how we can direct messages for private chats very easily. I remember the first day of Soliya. I wanted to reach my teammates from class but I didn’t know how because I didn’t have their number , but I automatically remembered that there’s this option of private messages. However, I realized by the end of the semester that everytime i opened the app, I would miss important announcements. It turned out the notifications were automatically closed, that is why nothing used to pop on my phone as a reminder. So that is something i didn’t like about the app , but its okay lesson was learned. From now on It’s important to manage those settings well. In the end, i learned about myself that i can be a bit clumsy with deadlines if i dont have constant notifications popping up with the deadlines constantly. I would love to use slack in the future as my parents use it nowadays in the family business and I know that several corporate firms communicate only through slack, so it is a nice exposure. Especially since they used to communicate only through emails for physical proof, so using slack in my opinion is a sign of digitization for my parents.


Google slides:

I have been using google slides from the very first day in university, however it was the first time that I learned how to add alternative text to the images, connect slides with links and use the explore function that uses machine learning, so it can improve results. Google slides is very good at being able to work simultaneously with other teammates like tamara; when we were working on the game together we were able to communicate together through the comment boxes; however it is not really good in the visual aspect; it is very hard to design the template and make it look visually appealing; unlike canva; where you can easily edit, draw, design , filter anything on your presentations. I would have wanted to add more visuals in my game but I was very limited with the options. I learned with google slides that I’m a bit impatient. When it wasn’t cooperating with me through design elements, I went and chose a ready-made template for my game instead of designing it. I think I learned how to communicate or collaborate better with tamara through google slides,especially when we were giving each other feedback and tips. It was a space that allowed us to work together easily. I absolutely love that it saves automatically as a person who forgets easily, this option is a life saver! However, at the same time, having to always connect to the internet to be able to edit, kind of limited my working time. I would definitely like to use google slides in the future. Yes, I prefer canva , but later on in business life, not everyone would have access to canva due to its money limitations.



Working on Canvas was very similar to working on blackboard. They both deliver the same service which is accessing course materials, submitting assignments and checking deadlines.I believe canvas might be better than blackboard as it barely loses its service or cuts off, unlike blackboard where it’s used in every other course. While working on it I believe I discovered that I’m a very color coded person, so if there’s a missing assignment .The color turns red, this is how i get alarmed and notice that i have to submit this specific assignment, unlike blackboard, where its only monochromatic blue and i don’t even get to see what’s missing and what’s late. What I really appreciate about canvas is that it has a user-friendly interface suitable for everyone. However, I stayed all semester browning on the laptop to see the deadlines, when the doctor surprised me that i can open it from my phone too. I guess I just needed to look more but this was laziness from me. I dont think ill be using canvas in the future only because i may not need Canvas in my studies or workplace, due to unfamiliarity and having better platforms like google slides, slack and zoom to use.