First Test : Arab-Muslim Task

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-Which tests did you choose and why? I chose this test because i felt that a very high percentage of people in the world today are biased towards muslims and especially Arab ones . Moreover , i am not that conservative religious person to be biased towards Arab muslims or i am not that biased to think that Arab Muslims are terrorists and these things that the people think nowadays.

-What is the result you were expecting? What is the result you got?  I was expecting to be more biased or leaning towards my religion since i believe that Arab muslims are facing discrimination all over the world . But turns out that I am more biased towards other people .

– How do you feel about the result you got? What did you learn? Overall I am happy that the results have shown that I am 26% little to no automatic preference between both parties. It made me learn that i try to be with no biases .

-How credible do you think the IAT is and why? I think not that much because the human brain can be confused during the tests .

Second Test : Sexuality Task

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Which tests did you choose and why? I chose this test because i try not to discriminate against gay people but deep down i know I am a bit biased due to my religion and my beliefs . I just tried this task to know more about myself and to what extent am i biased.

What is the result you were expecting? What is the result you got? I was expecting that i would be biased toward straight people and that what the results have shown , but to be honest i never thought i was biased to this point.

– How do you feel about the result you got? What did you learn? I felt somehow sad because i already knew before doing the test that i am biased , but it made me learn that i need to be more equal and think that both parties are human beings and i don’t want to discriminate .
-How credible do you think the IAT is and why? I think IAT are not that credible because as i stated before human brain can be confused during the tests  and that does not mean that i am biased.