Presentation Skills Module:


When I first chose the taught path, I did not exactly know what modules to pick. However, having presentations that I had to do; I thought this module would be the most suitable one to choose. In the presentation module, it focused on the body language and how it is as important as the words you are about to say. For me, I struggle to stay still when doing presentation and I just keep shaking the whole presentation. The next the module focused on is how to prepare for your presentation. It said that you have to know your audience and prepare for your presentation and then checkĀ  the surroundings of your presentation. These tips I do not bother to do honestly as for me, presentations are a hassle and I feel relieved just being done with them. The last that stuck with me in this module was the TRAC method which is you thank the audience, review their question, answer them and finally confirm if they have any questions left. This method I would like to use in my next presentation.


Digital Research Module:


This module focused on the information you can get online. Since this course is mainly about digital literacies, it comes in agreement with the module in its intense focus to credit those people whose work has been used. From what I have been doing when conducting any research, I always forget to credit people. Also, the module says to not trust any piece of information you stumble across online and that not all sites are considered reliable, so you should review all the information you see online. As a TikTok addict, I rarely review the news I view on this platfrom unless it peaked my interest. Also, when you use information for unreliable sources, cite it as well and mention the fact that it is from unreliable sources.