1st test: Arab-Muslim IAT. https://app-prod-03.implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/Study?tid=-1

Which tests did you choose and why?

  • I chose that test because I felt it is similar to my culture and background. So, I wanted to know how can I be biased to people who are similar to me.

What is the result you were expecting? What is the result you got?

  • I expected to be biased towards Arab-Muslims because I wasn’t even able to read the other people’s names, But, the results said that I’m little to no automatic preference between arab-muslims and other people.

How do you feel about the result you got? What did you learn?

  • I was really surprised that I’m not biased toward any group of people. I learnt that being judgmental or biased is something that everyone shouldn’t do even for people who are similar to them because we are all human.
How credible do you think the IAT is and why?
-I don’t think that IAT is credible because it is based on answers that could be resulted from my thoughts that this is only a game and also that I don’t have the ability to right my own opinion I only need to choose from the choices gave to me

2nd test: Skin-Tone IAT. https://app-prod-03.implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/Study?tid=-1

Which tests did you choose and why?

-I chose this test because I thought that skin-tone is the first impression we take towards people when we first see them. It make us assume their nationality and background, so, I was curios to know whether I’m biased towards specific color or not.

What is the result you were expecting? What is the result you got?

-I expected that I will be biased towards darker skin tones as I’m dark skinned and I think that dark skin people are prettier. The results surprised me that I think of all skin tones equally and I’m not biased to any of them.

How credible do you think the IAT is and why?

-I don’t think it is credible because it depends on luck as the results don’t fit my really opinions and thoughts.