Firstly, I have to point out that the opportunity to create this game was a truly unique experience. I don’t have much to say other than that I was  really enjoying making this game.

While coming up with valuable ideas and positions to raise awareness about the lives of people with disabilities was exhausting and not easy at all, I found it to be a challenge and an opportunity to share the things I believe need to change or that bothered me personally, which I thought might also affect others in similar situations.

In the beginning, it was relatively easy. We had an idea and a message we wanted to convey through this game. However, later on, problems arose, such as identifying the values and outcomes we wanted to build scenarios around and how to transform the ideas we wanted to discuss into actionable positions for the player to choose from.

After some deliberation, we concluded that the solution was to organize our thoughts and work on sub-goals. Our primary goal was to shed light on the challenges that people with visual impairments face in their daily lives and the best ways to respond to these challenges. By doing this, we aimed to achieve two benefits:

  1. Raising awareness of the problems faced by people with disabilities among individuals who do not have this disability, enabling them to provide assistance in a meaningful way.
  2. Empowering non-blind individuals to offer advice or correct any wrong behavior exhibited by a person with a visual impairment.

Next, we had to work on the situations, arrange them, and determine the message to be conveyed through each situation individually. This was not easy because some bad situations or experiences that blind people have gone through might not have a clear goal or message, or vice versa; there could be an issue we wanted to highlight without a suitable situation to illustrate it.

To solve this problem, we classified the challenges and problems we wanted to highlight into four categories: social interactions, work environment, misconceptions, and internal challenges. Although the positions under each classification were not equal, this made the task more organized and manageable.

In fact, after doing this, I realized that there were many challenges I could think of under each category. I felt that twenty situations were too few and wanted to include more, but unfortunately, there was not enough time. Therefore, when writing the text for the positions, I decided to include some messages that indirectly corrected misinformation, in addition to addressing the main goal of each position.

For example, using a telephone or needing a bank account was not the main point in the situations where they appeared, but they also revealed many hidden pieces of information that some people might not know.

I think this is enough. I really didn’t have to go into detail about how we made this game here, but I wanted to share that, since I had a lot of fun working on it in addition to acquiring many experience that will help me with similar projects in the future.