After I read the article and completed the digital confidence test, I can say that I have a good amount of digital knowledge, but I do not think that I have reached the full level of digital literacy. I think that I have passed the stage of digital skills, as I can understand the meaning of the digital tools that I use, and I also realize the disadvantages and advantages of each digital tool. Of course, it saddens me that this knowledge did not come at the beginning of my introduction to digital world. I think if I had known all this, I could have avoided many mistakes.

Therefore, I believe that I am now more deeply aware of what digital tools provide and their dangers and consequences. However, I am still unable to use these tools in the best way or to the most beneficial effect possible due to some habits and ideas that are difficult for me to change after a long time.

When I chose my digital path , I found that Twisting Path, which provides a view from all other paths, is the most suitable for me. I believed that taking a view from each path would help me look at the digital world from different sides, which would motivate me to change some unhealthy digital habits.

I was hoping to be able to take an assignment from each path , but the website for the Taught path was not compatible, so I had to abandon this idea and resort to taking two from the Tinkering path and two from the theory path .

In the Tinkering path , I performed the first task, which was based on writing a story from my point of view based on a myth or legend spread in my country on Reddit. I did this and noticed that although the reactions were not many, they were diverse. My story was about goblins and ghosts and it wasn’t real, of course, but I tried to make it as realistic as possible. As expected, most of the commenters did not believe this story, but there were some who did not deny it and rather gave me some advice.

What I noticed is that in such sites that rely on sharing personal stories, they cannot be considered a reliable source for collecting information. By that, I do not mean that they are not reliable academically. This does not require discussion, but I mean that it is not possible to visit these sites to learn about the habits or character of some countries or regions based on what is published there.

The reason is that there are many stressful and abnormal people who spread false information to attract attention.

The second task that I did on the same site was to count the number of paid programs on my computer and how many of them could be replaced with open-source ones. Well, it’s embarrassing to say this, but I don’t have any paid software. In other words, I don’t pay for any software but use hacked versions. Therefore, I modified the task a little by counting the hacked programs that I use, and I could replace some of them with open-source programs.

Moving on to the theoretical side, I read an article about who has the power or control over artificial intelligence. While there was information that artificial intelligence programs were considered racist or took information from one side, knowing the size of this difference and the unilateral control over artificial intelligence programs was terrifying. The United States of America is the primary source of the 26,000 data sets on which artificial intelligence programs are trained.

Finally, I listened to a podcast discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on the medical field, highlighting both positive and negative effects simultaneously. It saddens me to notice that all the positive effects stem from individual efforts. For example, a person started a company to learn about skin diseases after his wife died from skin cancer. Additionally, a group of programmers created an artificial intelligence program to address the isolation experienced by the public during the epidemic.

However, the negative effects primarily arise from technology companies that only care about obtaining data and making financial profits. In the end, I cannot help but conclude that in such a scenario, I realize how extremely shortsighted the human race can be, despite our claims of mental superiority over other species. Instead of investing in the development of the health field with our technical progress, we often focus on how to apply it in the military field.

Finally, I can say that this assignment was really enjoyable and an eye opening for me.

I surely have gained some digital knowledge specially about AI which is trendy these days.

Knowing that AIĀ  has many more downsides than just taking over the human jobs was unexpected to say the least.